January 27, 2011

H&M Lanvin waste collection

I found some pictures of the new collection on GirlStyle!

I only like the black and white striped skirt, the rest really isn't my thing. What do you think?

Click here to read the article (it's in dutch).


ASOS tights wishlist

Lately, I've been seeing a lot of outfits with the most beautiful patterned tights. Wantwantwant! It's a little too cold too wear them right now, but I've made up a wishlist on ASOS already; as soon as the weather gets a little warmer, I'll be ordering some of these babies! It'll be heard too choose!
Btw, you can click on the pictures to go straight to the ASOS page where you can see all the info you want - and order them, of course, if you want.

Sexy and cute at the same time! £7

Cute hearts, £8

Hate this combination (love leather shorts, but these are just not flattering), but love the tights! £10 (now £8 on sale)

Cute! £10

Not sure about these. I like them, but at the same time I'm not sure. £18.50

For theme parties; mine got ruined by getting caught in the zipper of my boots at the last party, lol. £5 (now £4 in sale)

The bows are so cute! £10


January 25, 2011

Daria in Balmain

Daria Werbowy wearing Balmain. Love it!



I finally made a twitter account for my blog :) Since it's new, there aren't a lot of tweets yet, lol. But that's just a matter of time :)

Click here to go to my twitter profile.


January 24, 2011


A few days ago, I made the middle column of my blog wider. But this made my old layout look a little weird. I'd been planning to make a new layout for a while and since I had some time today, I finally changed it :)

Hope you like it!


Sick at home...


The big shoplog and outfits post will have to wait a couple more days...I haven't been able to take pictures of the last couple of things, because I've been sick for two days. Yesterday I was too sick to do anything, so taking pictures was not an option.

Luckily, I had someone to keep me company!

He's such a cutie.


January 21, 2011


Love this outfit!

Source: Le Fashion


P.S.: there will be another huge shoplog/outfit post next week :)

January 18, 2011

New Year's Eve!


I know it's a bit late, but I've finally picked out some pictures from NYE to post! Yes, I'm on most of the pictures; I don't feel comfortable posting a lot of pictures of my friends without asking them. And there were a lot of people I don't really know that well, so it really felt wrong posting pictures of them.

Anyway, here they are!



Before the party:

Some random dude who found a different way to put on a party hat, lol:


Watching the fireworks:



January 15, 2011

Review Kruidvat handcrème

*this post will also be in Dutch*

Ik heb twee handcrèmes van 'Hand therapy' van het Kruidvat. Ik had hierover een review beloofd, dus werd het eens tijd om die te schrijven!

Ik had eerst de handcrème met rozen-extract en shea butter:

Deze ruikt een beetje vreemd, maar niet slecht ofzo. De geur is ook snel weg, dus dat geeft ook niet. Hij smeert makkelijk open en trekt snel in; je hebt er ook niet zo veel van nodig. En hij doet zijn werk goed! Ik heb deze dus altijd in mijn tas zitten en ben er héél tevreden over!

Helaas was hij niet sterk genoeg om mijn handen helemaal te beschermen tegen de extreme kou deze winter. De crème is erg goed voor droge handen, maar voor beschadigde handen met kloofjes is hij toch echt niet sterk genoeg. Daarom heb ik een tweede gekocht! Geconcentreerde handcrème voor droge en beschadigde handen.

Deze tube is iets kleiner. Eigenlijk dezelfde opmerkingen als voor de andere: ruikt een beetje vreemd (maar niet slecht), je hebt er niet veel van nodig, het smeert fijn open en trekt goed in. Ik heb hem een weekje meerdere keren per dag gebruikt en mijn handen zijn weer helemaal 'genezen' nu; geen kloofjes meer!

Ik gebruik nu beide handcrèmes; ik wissel af naargelang hoe droog mijn handen zijn. Beiden zitten standaard in mijn tas. Ik weet de prijs niet meer uit mijn hoofd, maar het was in elk geval niet veel, ongeveer 2 à 3€ per tube denk ik.

Samengevat: ik ben héél tevreden over beide tubes en raadt ze zeker aan! Als ik ze punten zou moeten geven (op 10), zou ik ze beiden 8,5 geven. Met een fijner geurtje zouden ze zeker een 10 waard zijn!


Topshop komt naar België!

*I will sometimes post something that is only interesting for Belgian/Dutch people; those will be written in Dutch. This is, obviously, one of those :) *

Geen idee of ik nu enorm achterloop, maar ik heb het nog op geen enkele andere blog gezien: Topshop komt naar België! Niet met een eigen winkel, maar met het shop-in-shop principe. Zo zullen een selectie Topshop-items te koop zijn in Ra 13 in de Kloosterstraat in Antwerpen en bij Hunting & Collecting in Brussel. En dit vanaf februari al! Net te laat voor de solden, helaas, maar toch!

Bron: http://www.zita.be/lifestyle/fashion/1161331_topshop-komt-naar-belgie.html


January 10, 2011

A bit more personal


Yesterday, I was going to post the review for my new hand cream. And maybe post some late NYE pictures.

Unfortunately, I had a really bad migraine, so I stayed in bed half the day. When I finally managed to get out of bed ad 13u30 to find something to eat and some pain killers, I noticed one of our cats could barely walk; apparently, one of her paws was hurting really bad, she didn't use it. My brother and me were home alone, no car and our normal vet (who lives at walking distance) was of course closed today. So we had the call another, to get the address and then find a ride there. Luckily, one of our neighbours was sweet enough to take us there.

Her paw probably isn't broken, but it's hurt pretty bad, so she got two injections and some medicine to take home. Of course, she spent the rest of the afternoon blissfully asleep. If she's not better by tomorrow, we have to take her back so they can take X-rays, to see if it really isn't broken.

Spent the rest of the day waiting for the painkillers to kick in, then packed my bag for the week and left for my room in
Gent. So I really didn't feel like writing about my hand cream yesterday, sorry... I called home today, she hasn’t improved much, so we'll just have to wait and see tomorrow...

Bad timing, since our other cat was also hurt (he got in a fight - again - and had some pretty bad wounds on his neck, and a lot of them). Luckily, he's almost better. They both just have to stay inside for a while now, which they absolutely don't like.

Anyway, since I've done this whole explanation, might as well show you some pictures and tell you a little more about them :)

The first one, Lef (which roughly translates as 'courage') is a 9 year old male (he'll turn 10 this year, jeej! My baby's getting old, lol). We got it from a friend of my moms (his persian cat had three kittens and my mom got to pick one). He's a real sweetie and loves to cuddle up on your lap. And he looooves attention! He just doesn't like other cats on his territory. Hence the fighting.
His fur is really really thick right now (which you can't really see properly on the pictures). Well except for that spot on his neck, where the vet had to shave of the hair to clean the wound. It looks ridiculous.

The second one is older, but we haven't had her as long. She's a stray cat we took in and she's really tiny! We're not sure how old she is, of course, but the vet said she's probably older then Lef. Her name is Moya (it's Keltic or Gaellic or something, can't remember right now, but it means 'grand/great'). She can stick up her nose and walk away very arrogantly. And oh my, she's a femme fatale! You should see the way she tries to seduce my dad into giving her something when we're having dinner. It's hilarious.
We obviously don't know what happened to her before we took her in, but we think she must have been neglected and probably beaten. She often takes her food and hides to eat it (as if she's scared we'll take it from her) and she used to get these really bad panic attacks. She's calmed down a lot though and she's a sweet little lady :) She loves following my mom around. Oh and she makes really funny noises when she sleeps.
She has allergies, which sometimes makes her lose her hair between her eyes and her ears (you can see it in the last picture). She's the one with the bad paw at the moment.
Btw, her whiskers used to be black, but over the years, they've turned white. Didn't even know it was possible, but there you go...

Oh and they both love sleeping. Especially on your lap or in the sun. That's the life.
And as you may have noticed; they looooove the camera!


P.S.: I'll post the hand cream review and NYE pictures as soon as possible. Probably not tomorrow though, 'cause I'm having dinner at a friends :)

January 06, 2011

BIG sale shoplog!


These are pictures of my christmas presents, some old jewelry I found in my room, a HUGE shoplog and some outfit pictures (with my new clothes).

First Christmas present (form my parents): radio/alarm clock/cd-player/I-pod docking station all in one!

Second Christmas present (from my brother): The host - Stephenie Meyer (English version)

Part of my third Christmas present (from my best friend; who I absolutely LOVE!): cat broches. The black one looks exactly like one of my cats :)

I also got money and gift cards, but that wasn't very interesting to photograph.

Rings I found hidden in a bag in my room. Didn't like them when I put them in the bag, but now I do! Especially the two middle ones with the flowers!

Same story with the bracelet. No idea what the inscription says, though.

Found these earrings in the same bag. Not sure whether I'll wear them, but we'll see.

These were a birthday gift from a friend (a looong time ago). Didn't put them in the bag (too much sentimental value) but I haven't worn them in a while. Fell in love with these all over again though ^_^

Ring I bought just before the sale started. The inscription on the outside says "Think of a wonderful thought" and the inscription on the inside says "Believe in yourself". Bought it at Claire's, 4.95€

Dark blue Essence eyeshadow. Don't remember the price.

Star necklace (thrift store, 0.75€)

I've been looking for something like this for a long time! Axeswar (a great little shop in Gent), 4.95€

Essence spray (to quickly dry your nail polish). Don't remember the price. Haven't tried it yet, but I'll make sure to post a review when I do.

Gold/copper glitter liquid eyeliner. From Kreatos (didn't know they sold make-up to, but apparently some do...). It was 1€, but I got it for free :)

Beige eyeshadow, Gosh, 7.49€

Nivea color crystal gloss styling spray, 5.99€

Repair and grow stimulator serum from Hema (my nails look horrible at the moment, so...). 3.75€ I think.

Nail polish remover (Hema).

Cleansing brush (Hema). Haven't tried it yet, but I'll post a review when I do.

The pictures aren't great, I know. The leggings are new; H&M, 5€ (sale!). Wearing it with the military style T-shirt I bought at New Yorker in Antwerp a while ago and flat ankle boots.

New jeans/legging (H&M, 9.90€, no sale) and new blue cardigan (Schoenenreus, 12.99€, no sale). Shirt is from Pimkie (I'm also wearing my new star necklace and a ring with a star).

The new jeans (same as on the previous picture) with a new top (Pimkie, 9.95€, it was 50% off).

New grey hat! It goes so well with the grey scarf I bought in Antwerp a few months ago! It's from Springfield; original price was 12.95€, now 7.95€.

Essence "I love Berlin" limited edition black matt tip painter (for nail art), 1.99€

Olaz beauty fluid, 5.99€ - 25% discount (=1.50€) = 4.49€

Dress: H&M, 10€ (original price: 14.95€)
Shoes: also H&M, 10€ (original price: 19.95€). Better picture below.

Pyjama pants: Women's Secret, 12.99€ (don't know the original price).
Green tank top: H&M, 3€ (original price: 6.95€). Bought the same one in purple (see picture below).

Striped dress, H&M, 12.95€ (no sale)

Today's outfit. New grey knitted dress: H&M, 15€ (original price: 19.95€); ankle boots are also H&M (but about two years old, I think?), around 35€ if I remember correctly.

I also bought some underwear/lingerie, but I'm not gonna post pictures of that here, lol.

Sooo...That's it! Hope you like it :)


P.S.: thanks for all the lovely comments lately, always makes my day!